Our Team - Introducing our new Software Engineer

December 19, 2023
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Atanas joins us from Sainbury's and talks to us about the work that goes on behind the scenes at Auderli.

A little Intro please Atanas?

My name is Atanas Kambitov, I am a 28-year-old Full-Stack Software Engineer working for Auderli. Previously I worked for Sainsbury's as a Developer. My goal is to keep growing my career at Auderli, delivering a market leading product.

What made you want to work for Auderli?

Auderli was the perfect opportunity for me to take the next step in my career. I enjoy working in a start-up company, in a small team built by good people. I enjoy the technical challenges, I strongly believe in the product, and I like the benefits of working for a forward-thinking company like Auderli. Great people and great teamwork!

What are you most proud of at Auderli?

As a developer I am proud of the technologies we use to build Auderli. Everything from front-end to backend is very structured and ordered together with the cloud and infrastructure technologies. We’re working with the best technologies to not only make sure we create a high-end product, but to make sure it’s the most secure it can possibly be.

What has been your biggest challenge at Auderli?

My biggest challenge was to understand the project from a technical standpoint. The backend code is based on a concept called CQRS which I had zero experience in. The Frontend is using libraries and methodologies I have also never seen before. On the flipside, it was fun learning everything from scratch and the experience has been fantastic.

What’s your favourite Auderli feature?

There are a lot of features I like, in particular, how everything is ordered and structured within the Auderli application, so it is easy to navigate and use. We put a great deal of work in behind the scenes to make the app intuitive and easy to use so it genuinely helps to organise people.

I’m working on some excellent features which will be live in the app soon, which make Auderli even better to use.

What’s in your Auderli Portfolio?

I run two Auderli accounts, one personal one and one for testing. I play around with my testing account a lot to add different scenarios to make sure we’re building a strong product. I have my own account as well but it’s not half as impressive as the one I use for testing!

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