Our Team - Introducing our Product Manager

December 19, 2023
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Olivia talks about the exciting plans coming for Auderli.

A little Intro please?

My name is Olivia Salameh and I’m born and bred in Sussex, where I live with my husband and two kids.  I’m the Product Manager for Auderli after a career working in London's recruitment industry in marketing, analytics, research and product.  Now I’m responsible for managing the delivery of the product.  I work closely with the development team to build out a clear roadmap of the work we need to deliver. We work in sprints which are two-week periods to deliver a set amount of work.  It’s my job to make sure I keep the team busy and deliver the work that we’ve committed to.

What made you want to work for Auderli?

I wasn’t looking for a job at the time, but a friend tagged me on a post in LinkedIn from Nick, Auderli’s CTO.  Always curious, I spoke to Nick about it and loved the sound of the product.  Nick convinced me to chat with Steve, the Founder of Auderli.  I was so excited I couldn’t not take the role.  I moved out of a big corporate to a small start up and I love how progressive Auderli is to work for.  I fit my work around my family commitments and work with a great team of driven people who are all as excited about Auderli as I am.  We haven’t seen a lot of each other during Covid, in fact I only met the team face to face after 8 months of working with them but hopefully that will be more frequent now.

What are you most proud of?

It has to be the speed of delivery.  The way such a small team gets so much done is really refreshing. In a big corporate things take so long to happen, it was always really frustrating.  Being able to move so quickly and get things done is a breath of fresh air.

What has been your biggest challenge?

Knowing what to prioritise.  I’ve always used lots of data to base my decisions on in previous roles but in a start-up that just doesn’t exist.  We’ve all worked closely together on the product roadmap as a team – there’s been a lot of gut instinct and some great feedback from our select group of users who are testing the product for us.  It’s exciting and nerve wracking in equal measure. We’re starting to get some data in now which will make my job a whole lot easier!

What’s your favourite Auderli feature?

As Auderli’s product manager I spend a lot of time looking into the future, planning what’s coming next and what’s after that. I have to say that there are some amazing features coming.  Our document uploads will be really cool, watch this space.  We have tax calculators which will make life really easy and notifications will mean that you’ll never have that ‘I’m so behind on my filing’ feeling ever again.   But we won’t stop there.   I don’t think we’ll ever have a finished Auderli product.  It will keep evolving and changing and growing.  We have lots of exciting plans – the list keeps getting bigger and bigger.

What’s in your Auderli?

When my son was born my family bought me the most beautiful antique chair which they had covered for me. It was well used in the nursery for both my babies and really special.  I’m not sure whether it’s worth anything financially but I’m hoping it becomes a family heirloom.  Either way its most certainly in my Auderli.

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