Hand drawn illustration showing a dove like bird in flight

Sign up today

Record & manage important information
Store key documents
Share with family and professionals
Collaborate with family & professionals
Access partner marketplace


A great way to begin

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Record up to 10 assets
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Document storage (up to 10 files)
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Store & share will information
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Share with family & professionals
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Partner Marketplace
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Billed yearly
£49.99 / year


Billed every month

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Unlimited record of important information
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Unlimited document storage
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Share with family/professionals
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Colloborate with family & professionals
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Access partner marketplace
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Auderli for professionals

Visit our Professionals page to learn more.

Record & manage important information

Keep a record of all of life's important information. For example, your home, mortgage, savings, pensions or the location of your original will. All in one secure place.
Screenshot showing the different asset types that can be added to Auderli

Store key documents

Upload supporting important documents. For example, copies of house deeds, mortgage agreements, share certificates or a copy of your will.
Screenshot showing files indicator for an asset in Auderli

Share with family & professionals

Share details of your important financial, legacy or personal information with loved ones, the executor of your will, or professional advisors.
Screenshot showing a will stored for "Brian Janvier"

Collaborate with family & professionals

Allow family, trusted individuals or professionals to help manage your portfolio.
Security and sharing settings

Partner marketplace

From accounting and banking, to wills and probate, our partners are established and trusted in their field. By choosing an Auderli partner you can relax knowing you're in safe hands.
A set of choices displayed in Auderli

Record & manage important information

Keep a record of all of life's important information. For example, your home, mortgage, savings, pensions or the location of your original will. All in one secure place. Foo
Screenshot showing the different asset types that can be added to Auderli

The Essential Plan - unlock the full power of Auderli

Unlimited important life information

Keep a record of all your important financial and legacy information to enhance your financial wellbeing. From your bank accounts and investments, to your mortgage and your will. Everything in one, organised space.

Screenshot of asset choice tiles in Auderli
Feature showing unlimited files

Unlimited important documents

Upload an unlimited number of your important financial and legacy documents. No more hours of hunting in drawers, filing cabinets, emails or digital files.

Sharing and collaboration

Share your financial, legacy, or personal information with loved ones or the executors of your will. Collaborate with accountants, lawyers or tax advisors, giving them permission to edit parts of your portfolio, to help you manage your financial or legal information. Don't be the only one who knows where everything is.

feature sharing permissions
Feature showing unlimited files


Access to more features coming soon!

Frequently asked questions

How can I cancel my subscription?
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Find out how you can cancel your Auderli subscription
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How can I change my subscription?
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Learn how to manage your Auderli subscription.
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