Photo of a professional looking couple of people in a coffee shop. One is laughing and joking.

We help you organise and share your important life information
in one safe space

Get Auderli for FREE
Computer Showing Auderli
Make a will online

Manage Your Life Documents, Track Net Worth, Get Advice On Assets, Share Securely With Family

Make A Will Online has partnered with Auderli to offer you a safe place to effortlessly keep track of all your important life stuff — everything from mortgages and investments to loans and personal valuables. It’s brand new and there are loads of new features still to come. A doddle to use, Auderli is easy to share and completely safe and secure. Life feels better when things are Auderli.

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A mockup of two phones. Once with an Auderli portfolio on screen and one with a detail screen

Why Auderli?

Save precious time

No more hours hunting for crucial documents, with all your important personal, financial, life and legacy information in one safe space.

Hand drawn illustration showing a disorganised person sitting amid a pile of paperwork and an open filing cabinet
Hand drawn illustration showing a person sat in a chair in comfort, thinking about being organised

Enhance financial wellbeing

Organising all your finances, everything you owe and own, in one secure space helps you make better financial decisions. Feel more confident and less overwhelmed about the future.

Peace of mind

From your will to your finances, choose to share your important life information with loved ones or professional advisors. Don't be the only one who knows where everything is!

Hand drawn illustration showing a man, child and cat. The humans are standing in yoga positions. The man is wobbling.

Who will Auderli help?

Everyone needs to make life organisation a healthy habit. Life feels better when everything's in Auderli.

Hand drawn illustration showing two adults and a child. The adults are looking at a classic car while the child plays with a toy car.

Individuals & Families

Maybe you live on your own or in a busy family. Perhaps you are a student, a carer, a teacher, an entrepreneur or an executive. Keeping on top of all your important life information is a challenge for everyone.

Sign Up To Auderli Today
Hand drawn illustration showing a couple in the young and latter stages of life

Professional Advisors

If you are a solicitor, accountant or tax advisor, we help you engage with your clients. Supporting them to organise their important life information, providing a secure way to share information and offer better advice.

Visit Our Partner Page
A screenshot showing the assets screen for Jane DoeSmartphone requesting Authentication app passcide

Security is our top priority.

Using the same technology as global banks and governments, we guard  data and make sure our customer's are always in control.

Security with Auderli
Right pointing arrow icon
Hand drawn illustration showing a dove like bird in flight

Sign up today

Record & manage important information
Store key documents
Share with family and professionals
Collaborate with family & professionals
Access partner marketplace


A great way to begin

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Record up to 10 assets
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Document storage (up to 10 files)
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Store & share will information
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Share with family & professionals
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Partner Marketplace
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Billed yearly
£49.99 / year


Billed every month

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Unlimited record of important information
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Unlimited document storage
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Share with family/professionals
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Colloborate with family & professionals
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Access partner marketplace
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Auderli for professionals

Visit our Professionals page to learn more.

Record & manage important information

Keep a record of all of life's important information. For example, your home, mortgage, savings, pensions or the location of your original will. All in one secure place.
Screenshot showing the different asset types that can be added to Auderli

Store key documents

Upload supporting important documents. For example, copies of house deeds, mortgage agreements, share certificates or a copy of your will.
Screenshot showing files indicator for an asset in Auderli

Share with family & professionals

Share details of your important financial, legacy or personal information with loved ones, the executor of your will, or professional advisors.
Screenshot showing a will stored for "Brian Janvier"

Collaborate with family & professionals

Allow family, trusted individuals or professionals to help manage your portfolio.
Security and sharing settings

Partner marketplace

From accounting and banking, to wills and probate, our partners are established and trusted in their field. By choosing an Auderli partner you can relax knowing you're in safe hands.
A set of choices displayed in Auderli

Record & manage important information

Keep a record of all of life's important information. For example, your home, mortgage, savings, pensions or the location of your original will. All in one secure place. Foo
Screenshot showing the different asset types that can be added to Auderli

Frequently asked questions

How can I cancel my subscription?
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Find out how you can cancel your Auderli subscription
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How can I change my subscription?
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Learn how to manage your Auderli subscription.
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I’m the one in my family who looks after all the important paperwork. Knowing that everything is neatly organised in one place in case I am ever not here to deal with it really puts my mind at rest. I would hate for my kids to be left with a mess to clear up.

Annie, Auderli user
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